When it comes to fragrance, those outside the industry think of only the scents used in perfumes, but there is a large sector that designs fragrances in the products we use in cleaning our dishes and laundry, shoes or wall paints, hair and body care products, car care fragrances and many more. And yes, as Froma F&F, we have a particular place in this sector. So for whom and for what purpose do we design and produce?
Fragrance designs: As a primary component in products for scenting; as a masking component to cover bad odors; Although they do not have a direct effect on the function of the product, they are used as an additional source of pleasure that conveys the message of the product function to the consumer with the sense of smell. The essence industry, which exists for such a great demand arising from such different purposes, is of course a big industry and continues to grow.
Personal perfumes, deodorants or room fragrances can be shown as examples of products where the essence is the primary ingredient, that is, the purpose of fragrance. The purpose is to give fragrance directly.
An example of when it is used to mask bad odors is the use of fragrances in hair dyes. The odors of some components in the formula of hair dyes are disturbing for the consumer. Adding pleasant fragrances to these products for the comfort of the user makes the product less uncomfortable.
Another aspect of fragrances is that they serve the purpose of creating a holistic satisfaction by satisfying the consumer’s sense of smell. Although odor in hand cream or shampoo has no effect on the expected function of the product, fragrant products are preferred by consumers.
Most research shows that we prefer a scented product to an unscented one, and a good-smelling product to one that smells bad. We can think of it as the inheritance from our ancestors who lived in the first ages. Our ancestors used to think that bad-smelling foods are poisonous and good-smelling ones are consumable.
When the scented and unscented form of the same hand cream is tested on consumers, comments are received that the scented product makes their hands softer. Although it is seen as a marketing tactic, it is understandable that we prefer products that satisfy our sense of smell and make us smile among products that perform the same function.
Another important point is that the product has a ‘appropriate’ scent. We used the cream on our hands and it became soft. Perfect, but if this product contains a pine scent that we are familiar with from toilet cleaners, does it make us feel good spiritually? Of course not! We expect the product that promises a baby soft skin smells like baby soft. Products with baby powder, cucumber notes, sea breezes meet our sensory expectations.
Products that contribute to our emotional well-being and remind us that we value ourselves with the scent that persists after using the product, provide holistic satisfaction with the well-being they provide beyond the primary benefit they promise.
We wish you days full of pleasant smells and health.